Canadian Pacific Railroad 1941
Working for the railroad Jack got home some week-ends, it was lonely for both of us. One weekend when he came home he surprised me and said that he could hold a job full time in Medicine Hat. I really did not want to move to Medicine Hat, but we could be together more and Jack would spend more time with Millie and Alf. It took me from Christmas until May hoping Jack would find something around Calgary. I liked Calgary we were happy there. I don’t like the hot summers in Medicine Hat. I told Jack we could move when Millie and Alf were out of school. So in May 1941 we packed up and moved to Medicine Hat. We were closer to my family and relations. They were all German descendent and Jack was never happy around them. He did not like me speaking German in our home.
We rented a large yellow two story home along the Saskatchewan River. It was beautiful with a yard and well kept up. Then three of my brothers got married and lived with us in 1942. In June of 1942 I wasn’t feeling very well, and soon realized I was pregnant. I was so sick for three months. In the fall Jack bought a house up on the hill 444 11th street. The house we were in was up for sale, so we either buy it or move. Jack found the house and bought it without me even seeing it. When I did see it, I was sicker than ever. The floor and fireplace were painted forest green and as I wasn’t feeling very well and the color didn’t help. All we did was remodel for nearly two years. I didn’t feel good and was in bed most of the time. All the mess was very discouraging; Many times I wished I was back in Calgary.
January 2 1942
The kids and I are all alone, Second year since we moved from Calgary. Jack is away on a trip. Wonder what the New Year will bring, it’s such a mess with the war, things do not look good for the Allies.
My folks lived in Irvine about 25 miles from Medicine Hat. They all came in for Esther’s wedding to Jim Foulston. I made cakes and roasted chickens , we had a houseful for Feb 17, Esther’s wedding day. On the big day mom, pop, and relatives were all ready to go to the Church, it was a very cold day, I had phoned a taxi. When the Taxi arrived nobody knew where the Church was. Anyway we finally got to the Church which was only four blocks from the house.
Esther’s husband Jimmy as we called him was in the Air Force, he looked very handsome in his uniform. Esther was 20 years old, my mother was 59 years old. Esther and Jimmy went to Yorkton, Manitoba , where he was stationed.