So far we Know very little of the history of record of the life of our ancestor, William Steers until the time of his marriage to Eliza Taylor, my paternal grandmother. In her family history she states,”William Steers born 1810 in Oldham, Lankashire, England. Married about 1833, lived in Thompsonville, Sullivan, N.Y. Where their first child was born. 1-Harriett born 15 Sep 1834 died 13 Nov I834 at Thompsonville. 2-Elijah Minerley Steers born 11 Mar 1836. 3-Sarah Frances Steers born 3 Dec 1838. These first three children were born at Thompsonville, Sullivan Co. N.Y. 4-Catherine Louisa Steers born 3 Jan 1842 and died 7 July 1849. 5-Mary Virginia Steers born 28 May 1845 and died 1848. 6-Emma Jane Steers born 28 April 1847 and died 18 May 1849. The last three children were born in Annandale (a small hamlet) Fairfax, Va. and died and were buried in St.Louis, St.Louis Co. Missouri.
They lived in Thompsonville about seven or eight years-when they moved to Annandale, Fairfax, Va. and living there about four or five years. They again moved this time to St.Louis, St.Louis Co., Mo. where Eliza lost their three youngest children and also her husband within two years. Her husband died at sea, nothing was said if his body was recovered or not. No doubt stricken with grief she returned to the old home of her parents who had lived in Montrose, Iowa. Her father had died in Montrose in 1847, he then being a member of The Church of Jesus Chris of Latter-Day Saints and at that time the saints were being mobbed and driven from their homes. There were many sick and destitute and many died from cruel treatment, hunger, exposure, etc. Among these were my great-grandparents -Thomas Taylor & Charity Sharpnet. Charity went to the city of Nauvoo, Ill, where she too died in 1848, 0ne year after her husband. As transportation was slow in these days it is possible Eliza had not heard of her parents death until she, with her two remaining children got to Nauvoo,Ill. Her son,Elijah being 13 years and her daughter Sarah 11 years. Eliza was baptized 1 March 1849 at Nauvoo Ill. Her son and daughter were baptized 1 March 1857.
They crossed the plains in 1857 to Salt Lake City,Utah. After arriving in Utah she married a widower,William John Howell,3 Oct 1859. No children were born to this union. After Howell’s death she married William Phillips at the age of seventy years, in Salt Lake City,Utah. She died at the age of eighty-two at(Sugarhouse)Salt Lake City,Utah. on 6 April 1899. She is buried at the Salt Lake City Cemetery.
granddaughter-Hannah I.S.Weaver
4 March 1949